Foro sobre Java SE > Exportar Base de datos Quizx a un directorio del sistema
/* Buenas a todos Gracias por su atención Necesito transformar este programa que se ejecuta en linea de comandos , a un programa que simplemente exporte una base de datos de un directorio donde esta guardada a otro directorio sin necesidad de nada más , una exportación simple y llanamente. Llevo intentandolo varios días y no lo consigo , visto que el tiempo para entregar la tarea se ha pasado , os pido ayuda. El codigo viene en el archivo 'samples' dentro del programa Qizx , en el apartado de ayudas al programador
public class Get { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, QizxException { if (args.length < 4) { usage(null); /*NOT REACHED*/ } File storageDir = new File(args[0]); String libName = args[1]; int last = args.length-1; File dstFile = new File(args[last]);
if ((args.length > 4 || wildcardsUsed(args, 2, last)) && !dstFile.isDirectory()) { usage("'" + dstFile + "', does not exist or is a file"); }
try { for (int i = 2; i < last; ++i) { get(lib, args[i], dstFile); } } finally { shutdown(lib, libManager); } }
private static void usage(String message) { if (message != null) System.err.println("*** Error: " + message); System.err.println( "usage: java Get libraries_storage_dir library_name" + " source+ destination\n" + " libraries_storage_dir Directory containing libraries.\n" + " If this directory does not exist, it is created.\n" + " library_name Name of library containing destination documents\n" + " and collections.\n" + " If this library does not exist, it is created.\n" + " source Absolute path of a source document or a source\n" + " collection.\n" + " Collections are recursively copied.\n" + " The basename of a path may contain Unix-style (glob)\n" + " '?' and '*' wildcard characters.\n" + " destination destination file or destination directory.\n" + " If multiple sources are specified or if wildcards,\n" + " are used destination must be an existing directory."); System.exit(1); }
private static boolean wildcardsUsed(String[] args, int first, int end) { for (int i = 2; i < end; ++i) { if (hasWildcards(args[i])) return true; } return false; }
String baseName = baseName(path); if (hasWildcards(baseName)) { GlobFilter filter; try { filter = new GlobFilter(baseName); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { error("'" + baseName + "' is not a valid glob pattern"); return; }
String parentPath = parent(path); Collection parent = lib.getCollection(parentPath); if (parent == null) { error("'" + parentPath + "' does not exist or is a document"); return; }
boolean match = false;
LibraryMemberIterator iter = parent.getChildren(filter); while (iter.moveToNextMember()) { LibraryMember libMember = iter.getCurrentMember(); match = true;
get(libMember, dstFile); }
if (!match) { warning("'" + path + "' does not match any library member"); } } else { LibraryMember libMember = lib.getMember(path); if (libMember == null) { error("dont't find '" + path + "'"); return; }
Buenas a todos
Gracias por su atención
Necesito transformar este programa que se ejecuta en linea de comandos , a un programa que simplemente exporte una base de datos de un directorio donde esta guardada a otro directorio sin necesidad de nada más , una exportación simple y llanamente.
Llevo intentandolo varios días y no lo consigo , visto que el tiempo para entregar la tarea se ha pasado , os pido ayuda.
El codigo viene en el archivo 'samples' dentro del programa Qizx , en el apartado de ayudas al programador
El codigo en cuestión es:
package get;
import com.qizx.api.*;
import com.qizx.api.util.GlobFilter;
import com.qizx.api.util.XMLSerializer;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
public class Get
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, QizxException
if (args.length < 4) {
File storageDir = new File(args[0]);
String libName = args[1];
int last = args.length-1;
File dstFile = new File(args[last]);
if ((args.length > 4 || wildcardsUsed(args, 2, last)) &&
!dstFile.isDirectory()) {
usage("'" + dstFile + "', does not exist or is a file");
LibraryManagerFactory factory = LibraryManagerFactory.getInstance();
LibraryManager libManager = factory.openLibraryGroup(storageDir);
Library lib = libManager.openLibrary(libName);
try {
for (int i = 2; i < last; ++i) {
get(lib, args[i], dstFile);
} finally {
shutdown(lib, libManager);
private static void usage(String message) {
if (message != null)
System.err.println("*** Error: " + message);
"usage: java Get libraries_storage_dir library_name" +
" source+ destination\n" +
" libraries_storage_dir Directory containing libraries.\n" +
" If this directory does not exist, it is created.\n" +
" library_name Name of library containing destination documents\n" +
" and collections.\n" +
" If this library does not exist, it is created.\n" +
" source Absolute path of a source document or a source\n" +
" collection.\n" +
" Collections are recursively copied.\n" +
" The basename of a path may contain Unix-style (glob)\n" +
" '?' and '*' wildcard characters.\n" +
" destination destination file or destination directory.\n" +
" If multiple sources are specified or if wildcards,\n" +
" are used destination must be an existing directory.");
private static boolean wildcardsUsed(String[] args, int first, int end) {
for (int i = 2; i < end; ++i) {
if (hasWildcards(args[i]))
return true;
return false;
private static final char[] WILCARD_CHARS = { '*', '?', '[' };
private static boolean hasWildcards(String path) {
for (int j = 0; j < WILCARD_CHARS.length; ++j) {
if (path.indexOf(WILCARD_CHARS[j]) >= 0)
return true;
return false;
private static void get(Library lib, String path, File dstFile)
throws IOException, QizxException {
// Remove trailing '/' if any.
if (path.length() > 1 && path.endsWith("/"))
path = path.substring(0, path.length()-1);
String baseName = baseName(path);
if (hasWildcards(baseName)) {
GlobFilter filter;
try {
filter = new GlobFilter(baseName);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
error("'" + baseName + "' is not a valid glob pattern");
String parentPath = parent(path);
Collection parent = lib.getCollection(parentPath);
if (parent == null) {
error("'" + parentPath + "' does not exist or is a document");
boolean match = false;
LibraryMemberIterator iter = parent.getChildren(filter);
while (iter.moveToNextMember()) {
LibraryMember libMember = iter.getCurrentMember();
match = true;
get(libMember, dstFile);
if (!match) {
warning("'" + path + "' does not match any library member");
else {
LibraryMember libMember = lib.getMember(path);
if (libMember == null) {
error("dont't find '" + path + "'");
get(libMember, dstFile);
private static void get(LibraryMember libMember, File dstFile)
throws IOException, QizxException
File dstFile2;
if (dstFile.isDirectory()) {
String baseName = libMember.getName();
if ("/".equals(baseName))
baseName = "root";
dstFile2 = new File(dstFile, baseName);
else {
dstFile2 = dstFile;
if (libMember.isCollection()) {
getCollection((Collection) libMember, dstFile2);
else {
getDocument((Document) libMember, dstFile2);
private static void getDocument(Document doc, File dstFile)
throws IOException, QizxException {
verbose("Copying document '" + doc.getPath() +
"' to file '" + dstFile + "'...");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dstFile);
try {
doc.export(new XMLSerializer(out, "UTF-8"));
} finally {
private static void getCollection(Collection col, File dstFile)
throws IOException, QizxException {
verbose("Copying collection '" + col.getPath() +
"' to directory '" + dstFile + "'...");
if (!dstFile.isDirectory()) {
verbose("Creating directory '" + dstFile + "'...");
if (!dstFile.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot create directory '" +
dstFile + "'");
LibraryMemberIterator iter = col.getChildren();
while (iter.moveToNextMember()) {
LibraryMember libMember = iter.getCurrentMember();
File dstFile2 = new File(dstFile, libMember.getName());
if (libMember.isCollection()) {
getCollection((Collection) libMember, dstFile2);
} else {
getDocument((Document) libMember, dstFile2);
private static void shutdown(Library lib, LibraryManager libManager)
throws QizxException {
libManager.closeAllLibraries(10000 /*ms*/);
private static void error(String message) {
System.err.println("Error: " + message);
private static void warning(String message) {
System.err.println("Warning: " + message);
private static void verbose(String message) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static String baseName(String path) {
int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash < 0)
return path;
else if (slash == path.length()-1)
return "";
return path.substring(slash+1);
private static String parent(String path) {
int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash < 0)
return null;
else if (slash == 0)
return (path.length() == 1)? null : "/";
return path.substring(0, slash);
Gracias por vuestra atención