Upgrade to Java SE 8 Programmer por 39 euros
lunes, enero 26, 2015 at 12:00PM

Ha salido la versión beta para la actualización a la certificación Java SE 8 Programmer. Hay hasta el 18 de abril para hacer el examen. El precio en España es 39 euros (+ 8.19 de impuestos).

El temario es:

Describe Java inner classes and develop the code that uses Java inner classes (such as: nested class, static class, local class and anonymous classes)
Define and write functional interfaces
Describe a Lambda expression; refactor the code that use anonymous inner class to use Lambda expression; including type inference,target typing

Describe the built in interfaces included in Java 8 – java.uilt.function package
Develop code that uses Function interface
Develop code that uses Consumer interface
Develop code that uses Supplier interface
Develop code that uses UnaryOperator interface
Develop code that uses Predicate interface
Develop the code that use primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function package
Develop the code that use method reference; including refactor the code that use Lambda expression to use method references

Develop the code that iterates a collection by using forEach; including method chaining
Describe the Stream interface and pipelines
Filter a collection using lambda expressions
Identify lambda operations that are lazy

Develop the code to extract data from an object using map
Search for data using search methods including: findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch.
Describe the unique characteristics of the Optional classes
Perform calculations using methods: count, max, min, average, sum
Sort a collection using lambda expressions
Save results to a collection by using the collect method and Collector class; including methods such as averagingDouble,groupingBy,joining,partitioningBy

Develop the code that use parallel streams
Implement decomposition, reduction, in streams

Develop the code that use Java SE 8 collection improvements: Colleciton.removeIf, List.replaceAll, Map.computeIfAbsent/Present, Map.forEach
Read files using lambda improvements: Files.find, lines(), walk()
Use merge, flatMap methods on a collection
Describe other stream sources: Arrays.stream(), IntStream.range()

Adding static methods to interfaces
Define and use a default method of a interface; Describe the inheritance rules for a default method

Create and manage date-based and time-based events; including combination of date and time into a single object using LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, Period, Duration
Work with dates and times across time-zones and manage changes resulting from daylight savings
Define and create timestamps, periods and durations; apply formatting to local and zoned dates and times

Develop Javascript code that creates and uses Java members such as Java objects, methods, JavaBeans, Arrays, Collections, Interfaces.
Develop code that Evaluates JavaScript in java, Passes Java object to Javascript, inovkes Javascript function and call methods on javascript objects.

Article originally appeared on javaHispano (http://www.javahispano.org/).
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